Where Are You From? Why Do You Support Barack Obama?

The last 8 years have demonstrated that the entire world can be affected by who America chooses as their president.
Barack Obama is the only candidate who knows that international peace, co-operation, and justice are important for the prosperity and progress of the United States and the world.
In the flat world we live in, what's good for America is good for the world.
We invite you - people from all over the world - to contribute your comments. Tell America where you are from and why you support Barack Obama.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Anonymous lorrie said...

I'm from Cleveland, OH, live in TX. and I support Barack Obama for his committment and courage to do his part, while enlisting other citizens, to positively impact the USA and the world. He represents the eternal promise that hard work and determination, can, inspite of many obstacles, yield results. I also enjoy that he adores his wife and daughters, he is a role model that we need in these turbule

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